Java Springboot With FireBird
Java Springboot With FireBird is a development stack for web or desktop based apps. We will use Java language with springboot framework to build a basic restful API. Our purpose is to setup the environment and access data from database using our Browser. We require following software: 1. Intelli J studio 2. Jdk (latest) 3. Firebird (latest) Step 1: Download and Install Firebird database (it comes with Command line SQL executor) as shown below: Step 2: Execute and test sample SQL script to verify connectivity with local system Firebird instance. Step 3: Download JBird driver for connectivity with Java instance. Step 4: Download and install IntelliJ idea studio. Step 5: Create Intelli J New Project (Spring Initializer) Step 6: Set Datasource using previously downloaded JBird. Step 7: Coding Starts: · Update POM file for all dependencies (you need ...